Program to check if a number is an armstrong number.

A positive integer is called an Armstrong number if the sum of cubes of individual digit is equal to that number itself. For example:

153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 // 153 is an Armstrong number.
12 is not equal to 1*1*1+2*2*2 // 12 is not an Armstrong number.

Go program :
package main

import “fmt”

func main() {
var a int
var num int
fmt.Println(“Program to find if the number is an armstrong number.\nEnter a number:”)
fmt.Scanf(“%d”, &a)
n := a //storing the value of a in another variable
for {
if n != 0 {
rem := n % 10 //rem is for the remainder. % is used for modulus of a number. It returns the last digit
num += rem * rem * rem //multiplying the remainder thrice and then adding
n = n / 10 //reduce n to 2 digits
} else {
if num == a {
fmt.Println(“It is an armstong number”)
} else {
fmt.Println(“It is not an armstrong number”)

Output :

prince@prince-Aspire-V3-571:~/files/goprog$ go run checkarmstrong.go
Program to find if the number is an armstrong number.
Enter a number:
It is an armstong number
prince@prince-Aspire-V3-571:~/files/goprog$ go run checkarmstrong.go
Program to find if the number is an armstrong number.
Enter a number:
It is not an armstrong number

One thought on “Program to check if a number is an armstrong number.

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